Discover me Sophie Wajda

“The experiences that we go through in our life shape our personality, our emotional signature, the vision we have of ourselves, of others and of the world. The beliefs that we have developed guides our choices and behaviours.

Free from my fears, I was able to make my dream come true. My only limit to my happiness was myself.”

A dream of Sophie Wajda

A dream

Young, I had the secret desire to change the world. I dreamt to live in a “free, equal and fraternal” world reflecting the values of France.
Inspired by my mother who helped adolescents and young adults considered in “social failure” to reintegrate themselves into life and therefore find a social existence and a dignity, I aspired to become a special educational needs teacher.
The choices we make are not always connected to our aspirations. I, therefore, started my professional career in tourism.
Very quickly, I get bored of my job, being desk-bound and having a routine. Corporate environments make me feel confined and restricted. I need freedom and autonomy.
It’s with great joy that I welcome the offer from my husband’s company to move abroad to China.
The 13th June 2005, we put down our suitcases in Shanghai with our 2-year-old daughter. A new adventure begins.

The turning point

I didn’t know yet that this expatriation would be a turning point in my life.
So happy to leave, I didn’t prepare my departure at all nor even thought about what the consequences of no longer working would be.
Loss of bearings, of familiar setting, cultural shock, language barrier, expatriate environment where I can’t find my place, financial dependence: I am lost. Guilty for not working, I find a job in tourism. 5 months pregnant with my second daughter, I decide to stop. Torn between the need to work and the guilt of leaving my baby, I decide to not resume my job. Thus, my life organizes itself around my family. I force myself to be perfect on all levels. Pressure that I put on my family, need of control, anxiety, I become a “military wife”. I lock myself up little by little in this destructive whirlwind. My husband, him, thrives professionally. Inevitably, a gap is created and widens, until divorce.
This force of character which caused me so many problems at school is what saved me. This divorce, although devastating, led to my (re)birth.
Fragile but armed with courage, I take my destiny in hand. Determined to understand what led to this divorce, I start a long therapy on myself which would drive me to a change in career and to make my dream come true.

The turning point - Sophie Wajda
From a dream to reality

From a dream to reality

I turn to a coach who helps me put a finger on my fears. This is how my first business, in tourism, sees the light of day in Shanghai.
At the same time, I train in reiki.
In 2014, I move back to Paris with my two daughters to train myself in coaching.
During this training, I discover EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique). I, therefore, open my first business in coaching and reiki in Paris. At the same time, guided by my intuition, I train myself in EFT and become a therapist.
All these techniques opened the path to liberty and inner peace. I realized that happiness was inside of me and that I was the only holder of the key to access it.
Strong from this realization and nostalgic of my Shanghai life, I move back in 2016 with my two daughters and create “Essence” as an EFT therapist.
At 38-years-old, I make my dream of working in a field where I support people come true.

Dare to change

Idealist, I pursue my childhood dream to live in a world where peace, empathy and kindness will reign over individualism and aggressivity.
To do this, I practice my profession with passion, and I am committed to supporting my patients with respect, kindness and by listening well, so that our sessions will be the beginning of a change for them.
Inspired by Ghandi’s words, I am convinced that to change the world, we need to start by changing ourselves by changing the image that the society, our family, school, professional environment sent us back and still sends us back today. It’s by freeing ourselves of painful experiences from the past that impact our lives daily that we could leave behind us a place where each of us will enjoy living.

Dare to change

“Together let’s be this change”

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