

“After a reiki session, the patient feels centred, calm, serene, with a feeling of general well-being”

What is reiki?

What is reiki?

The word REIKI is of Japanese origin: it is composed of the word REI which signifies “universal” and the word KI signifying “vital energy”.

Reiki therefore designates the universal vital energy, energy transmitted to the patient through the intermediary of the therapist.

This method was rediscovered in Japan by the Buddhist monk Mikao Usui at the end of the XIXth century.

The unrolling of a session

Reiki is a holistic therapy of relaxation, gentle and natural.

Whilst you are laying down on a massage table, the practitioner, by positioning their hands on the 7 energy centres of the body – the chakras -, frees the emotional, physical, psychological and spiritual blockages registered in the body’s memory by circulating the energy coming from their hands.

Reiki acts at the source of the problem in the sense that it brings the cause of the problem, which has been ignored until now by the conscience, to the surface.

The unrolling of a session

What are the chakras?

What are the chakras?

The word CHAKRA comes from Sanskrit and means “wheel”. There exists more than 80,000 chakras in the body but there are essentially 7 main chakras.

The chakras are the energetic centres through which the vital energy passes. They are placed from the top to the bottom of the spine.

All the chakras are connected to a specific organ. Each organ is connected to a specific emotion.

Even if emotions are more easily talked about and are not considered taboo anymore, it is still difficult for many people to express them. An emotion which is not verbalized will stay blocked in the chakra, thus preventing us from nourishing our organs with energy. Consequently, we can feel tired, become ill, feel down, feel stressed or anxious, or have physical pains.

The benefits of reiki

Reiki restores balance and physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being by freeing the original causes of the blockages and other traumas registered in the body’s memory. This therefore allows to:

  • Reharmonize the chakras and the body
  • Revitalize the body
  • Strengthen the immune system
  • Dissipate the tensions and pains in the body
  • Reduce brain activity
  • Increase well-being by reducing stress and anxiety
The benefits of reiki

When should you consult?

When should you consult?

  • Mental hyperactivity
  • Hypersensibility
  • Insomnia
  • Emotional difficulties
  • Chronic pains
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Lack of energy


I hadn’t slept for around 2 weeks, maybe 2 to 3 hours per day but mostly in the morning, I already had EFT sessions but for other issues and Sophie suggested doing a reiki session for my sleeping issues, in one session my sleep was back to normal.


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